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Josef Nemerowsky

Según los archivos de inmigración, Josef Nemerowsky era de nacionalidad Rusa.

De profesión agricultor, llegó a la Argentina en el barco Giessen habiendo embarcado en Bremen.

Si quieres, puedes consultar el registro de inmigración completo.

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Looking for Nemerowsky

Looking for Nemerowsky family, my grandfather was Benjamin Nemerowsky from Russia, married to Rose Milgrom/Milgram, children, Morris, Al, George, Jack and Carl (my father). I believe that father had 2 siblings that passed away before reaching the U S. My father (RIP) had always said that he had an uncle who owned a drugstore in Argentina. Hopefully, someone will be able to help me find my family. PS: I am living in Puerto Rico since 1976. I am originally from NY.

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