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Según los archivos de inmigración, Carl Edholm era de nacionalidad Noruega, siendo su lugar de nacimiento más específicamente Frederickstad.

De profesión comercio, llegó a la Argentina en el barco Alcantara habiendo embarcado en Southampton.

Si quieres, puedes consultar el registro de inmigración completo.

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Carl edholm was my granfather

Carl edholm was my granfather Finn's uncle. My father Rolf remembers uncle Carl (Or Karl as he was called in Norway) I possess a great deal of the ancestors, but we know nothhing about Carl after my granfather died.
I know he married Chaja Priwa Hubermann called "LULU"
And we have some sayings that Carl had a child.
I'd like to get in touch with his family.
if he had a child, then he or she has a big family here in Norway!! We have tried to find it, but didn't sucseed..
I have a familytree at

Love Julie

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